POSMV Wavemaster

Performance Summary

POS MV Accuracy

Position: 0.1m Horizontal with PPP corrections
Roll & Pitch: 0.020°
True Heading: 0.030°
Heave: 5cm

Surrich Hydrographics has invested in the Titanium underwater housing. With the IMU mounted at the sonar head a significant reduction in the errors associated with the mounting angles and lever arms are realised. A poorly calibrated and erroneously coordinated IMU will degrade the final error budget of the Multibeam survey. An IMU mounted at the head will greatly improve the final error budget and quality of the Multibeam data.

POS MV also provides the only marine POS solution with post-processing capabilities. Using Inertially Aided Post Processed Kinematic techniques, centimetric-level accuracy solutions can be achieved in both the vertical and horizontal.

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